UConn Ballroom Dance meets a few times a week to fit in time for Lessons and Open Practices. See below for the respective times and locations, as well as information regarding each session!


MONDAYS 7:00 - 10:00pm

Parish House of Storrs Congregational Church

2 N Eagleville Rd Suite 204

Storrs, CT 06268


MONDAYS 10:00 - 11:00pm

Parish House of Storrs Congregational Church

2 N Eagleville Rd Suite 204

Storrs, CT 06268

THURSDAYS 6:30 - 8:30pm

Student Union Ballroom 330

2110 Hillside Road, U-3008 

Storrs, CT 06269

For everyone's safety, please follow our COVID guidelines:



All members have access to 2 hours of ballroom dance lessons a week that are taught by our professionally trained Instructors! The lessons will cover the four main styles of dance including Rhythm, Latin, Smooth, and Standard. (For more info on the different dance styles, make sure to check out our INTRO TO BALLROOM page!)

The lessons are 45 minute sessions taught in a fluid teaching style that grows with you so you can not only feel comfortable on the dance floor, but also have lots of fun! The lessons also include 10 - 15 minutes of practice/social dancing so you can try out your new moves with people of all levels!

We like to provide the opportunity for all our dancers to continue growing, so whether you're starting with two left feet, or you've been with us for a semester or two, we have two levels to choose from: Newcomer (Beginner/Intermediate) and Returner (Intermediate/Advanced). If you need help figuring out what level might feel best for you, feel free to ask any of our Instructors!

All our members also have the opportunity to compete! Competing is not a requirement, but it is a great experience for those looking for a motivating team atmosphere and an extra challenge!


Open Practices are extra times during the week for more guided and free practice for our dancers

Our Instructors are usually available for questions, and we love utilizing the extra time for joint warm-ups, practice, and rounds. 

Being able to dance, perform, and enjoy this awesome art/sport with other enthusiasts can create the best atmosphere to keep you dancing!  


Besides our lessons and practices, we host events and activities such as workshops, social dances, dinners, game nights, etc!

If you'd like to see our upcoming events, check out our CALENDAR/EVENTS page for dates, times, and RSVP information!